8th October 2021

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Pupil of the week
RobinsSeth, for really enjoying acting out the story, The Little Red Hen with the small world characters. Seth used some lovely story language.
OwlsArchie, for his effort in maths. Demonstrating good problem solving skills.
Golden EaglesHollie F, for outstanding effort and engagement with home learning.
MerlinsAlyssa, for magnificent effort in our daily HIIT sessions and taking responsibility for her learning and progress.
SwallowsMatilda, for lots of thoughtful contributions in our English letters and some fantastic writing about our story!
SkylarksCallum, for taking responsibility for his learning and developing independence.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeRocco, for his effort and enjoyment in all areas of learning.
AskriggClari, for her contribution to the science lesson I visited, a mature approach to her learning using clear and concise vocabulary to explain and reason.
West BurtonAbe, for demonstrating impeccable manners and maturity during lessons, always listening carefully, ready to learn, it’s hard to believe he is only in year 3!
Tidiest Classroom AwardMerlins
Best Class AttendanceSkylarks
Winning Housepoint TeamOtters

Categories: Awards