4th March 2022

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Pupil of the week
RobinsLibby, for using super talk during ‘Talk through stories’ to share her thoughts on different questions related to the story.
OwlsAidan, for his effort in writing, writing sentences independently and working hard on his handwriting.
Golden EaglesIsaac B, for taking responsibility for his learning in maths.
MerlinsEva, for an excellent attitude to learning, particularly in maths.
SwallowsSylvi for making some fanstastic contributions during our discussion about the Arctic and Antarctica in Geography.
SkylarksKirsty, for enjoyment: embracing new experiences
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeSeth, for his mature and responsible approach to school life.
AskriggElsie, for her impeccable manners at all times.
West BurtonTheodore, for his perseverance and resilience during swimming sessions.
Tidiest Classroom AwardRobins
Best Class AttendanceSwallows (99%)
House Point Winning TeamRed Squirrels

Categories: Awards