30th September 2022

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This Week’s Awards:

Pupil of the week
RobinsLexi for fabulous listening to instructions; great enthusiasm for learning and for taking super responsibility for our learning environment.
OwlsAda for thoughtful contributions in collective worship.
SwallowsLizzy for amazing effort, attention to detail and use of continuous line drawing in art.
KingfishersNico for effort in maths, explaining his reasoning carefully
Golden EaglesRory for being responsible for his own learning and being a role model to his peers. 
MerlinsKatie effort and enjoyment during the rugby competition. She was a real leader.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeCaleb, for talking to Miss Harper so confidently about what good learning behaviours are: remembering, recapping, and persevering when things are tricky!
AskriggMartha K, for talking to Miss Harper honestly and thoughtfully about learning behaviours: how using resources (especially in maths) and asking for support help her to remember.
West BurtonKirsty, for her mature approach to learning – understanding that we need to recap and persevere in order to really understand.
Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion
(for the children, from the children).
Nominated by
RobinsJonathan and Seth for helping her tidy up.Connie
William for helping other children.Seth
OwlsRose for always checking that her friends are feeling okay.Ben
SwallowsArchie for always being kind at break times.Isla
Sammy for looking after his friends in the line.Aidan and Martha
Aidan for helping him when he got stuck.Archie
KingsfishersAlex for always being kind.Elsie
Louisa for being kind, reading some of the maths questions to him.  Mrs Harrison noticed this too, Louisa was very kind and didn’t hesitate to help. Riley
Golden EaglesAbe has been nominated for being a great friend. During PE, rather than starting the game with everyone else, Abe helped other children put their bibs on first and he started with them.Oliver
William B has been nominated for being kind.Archie
MerlinsHenry for consistently being a good friend. Helping people feel better everyday.Antoni
Antoni has been nominated for always looking after others and cheering them up.
Best Learning Space (classroom)Merlins
Most Effective learning Environment (school)Askrigg
House Point Winning Team Dormice