28th January 2022

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Pupil of the week
RobinsEmma, for effort and enjoyment. Emma has done some great subitising in Maths and lovely writing about Antarctica.
OwlsWilliam for his kindness, always being a considerate friend and helping others.
Golden EaglesAmelie, for infectious enjoyment in our music lesson.
MerlinsWilliam D, for taking responsibility for the happiness of others in our class.
SwallowsNico, for showing effort and enjoyment during our daily HIIT sessions – he always has a smile on his face!
SkylarksBeatrice, for effort in reading and writing resulting in great progress.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeRose, for being a wonderful role model, particularly for younger children.
AskriggMartha, for her positive attitude to learning, always ready to learn.
West BurtonJames, for enjoyment, approaching everything with a cheery smile!
Tidiest Classroom AwardSwallows
Best Class AttendanceRobins (100%)
House Point Winning TeamOtters

Categories: Awards