26th November 2021

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Pupil of the week
RobinsBen, for effort and enjoyment, especially in reading and writing.
OwlsTheodore, for his creativity and enthusiasm, making wonderful creations linked to our learning.
Golden EaglesKatie, for fantastic engagement, effort and enjoyment with her home learning.
MerlinsCalean, for taking his learning beyond the classroom and working hard both in and out of school.
SwallowsMaisie, for her effort and enjoyment when writing a thank you letter to George the Giant in our English lessons.
SkylarksKirsty, for taking responsibility in maths and become an expert on factors and multiples as a result!
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeDaisy C, for her mature and responsible approach to school life, a great role model.
AskriggJoey T, for his effort in writing, choosing to write in his own time at home and school.
West BurtonThia, for her effort and enjoyment in writing, producing a well-structured and presented story at home.
Tidiest Classroom AwardGolden Eagles
Best Class AttendanceOwls and Swallows (each with 100%)
Winning Housepoint TeamRed Squirrels (113)

Categories: Awards