18th February 2022

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Pupil of the week
RobinsAnnie, for effort and enjoyment in Maths (great subitising!) and for being such a good listener- always ready to make the right choices during independent learning.
OwlsRosie B, for her effort in maths, working hard to understand place value.
Golden EaglesHugo, for excellent effort in RE and setting a new high standard in all his work.
MerlinsDaisy, for making brilliant choices during forest schools and being a real team player.
SwallowsRene, for enthusiasm for our current Science topic and for making fantastic contributions every lesson!
SkylarksAbigail: consistent effort in everything she does, all the time.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeAda, for a great attitude towards learning and a super explanation of what history is.
AskriggArthur, for a consistently positive attitude towards learning and an enthusiasm for all aspects of the curriculum.
West BurtonMaeve, for a mature and independent approach to learning.
Tidiest Classroom AwardMerlins
Best Class AttendanceSkylarks (99%)
House Point Winning TeamDormice

Categories: Awards