17th June 2022

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Pupil of the week
RobinsSophie, for effort and enjoyment in phonics. Sophie has been working so hard on her reading and writing at home and at school.
OwlsAidan, for his printing in art.
Choosing contrasting colours and spacing the prints carefully on the page.
Golden EaglesCaleb, for sustained improvement in effort in all writing tasks.
MerlinsFinley, for showing maturity in resilience both in and out the classroom.
SwallowsDouglas, for brilliant work on time in Maths.
SkylarksToby, for enjoyment: he is always smiling and enthusiastic about everything he does.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeRafael, for his smartness, effort, and readiness to learn. This is particularly evident this week in his very careful clay-work in art.
AskriggCaelan, for his mature, confident, and cheerful approach to transition to secondary school.
West BurtonKirsty, for her relentlessly exceptional manners! An outstanding role model.
Good Samaritan Awards For courage, care, compassion (for the children, from the children).
RobinsRose K, for always checking on people if they are on their own at break time.
OwlsLizzy M, for always helping children to set off on their bikes at breaktime, being kind and caring.
Golden EaglesLily, for always going out of her way to ask others what they have been doing and greeting them with a smile.
MerlinsGrayson, for rushing to help someone who had fallen off the climbing frame.
SwallowsIsla, for helping people who find computing tricky.
SkylarksThia, because she is always kind and if someone’s upset in the playground she will go up to them and see if they’re alright.
Tidiest Classroom AwardSkylarks
Best Class AttendanceOwls (100%)
House Point Winning Team Otters

Categories: Awards