14th January 2022

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Pupil of the week
RobinsSophie, for her ever growing confidence and enjoyment when engaging in activities. Sophie has also made some thoughtful contributions during class discussions.
OwlsArchie has had a fantastic start to the new term, following every aspect of the RESPECT code, in particular effort and enjoyment in all areas of the curriculum.
Golden EaglesKatie for fantastic contributions to science and for applying prior learning on a different science topic to our current topic.
MerlinsDec, for making a great start to life as our RESPECT ambassador. Setting an example and being a courageous advocate.
SwallowsLouisa for trying really hard to join her handwriting and producing some beautiful work.
SkylarksMaeve, for working hard on calculation methods: her methodical and careful work is leading to impressive accuracy.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeRory, for following all aspects of the RESPECT code, demonstrating maturity. A great role model.
AskriggAmelia, for a positive start to the term, demonstrating effort and enjoyment.
West BurtonTheodore, for his effort and enjoyment during his first ever swimming session.
Tidiest Classroom AwardRobins!
Best Class AttendanceRobins, Owls, Skylarks (all with 100%)
House Point Winning TeamRed Squirrels

Categories: Awards