11th March 2022

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Pupil of the week
RobinsAimee, for following our RESPECT code, consistently. Aimee has also shown fantastic effort and enjoyment when practising our Wensleydale Tournament songs.
OwlsLizzy, for her wonderful work on measurement, accurately measuring and recording length and height.
Golden EaglesLily-Anne, for effort and responsibility in her learning.
MerlinsHenry, for taking responsibility for his learning particularly in maths.
SwallowsJake, for listening well in all maths lessons, asking for support when required
SkylarksToby, for responsibility: taking care to construct his sentences correctly using ambitious vocabulary.
Headteacher’s Awards
BainbridgeDouglas, for his excellent use of scientific vocabulary during science day.
AskriggAmelie, for her effort and enjoyment in PE – a great team player.
West BurtonAlex, for following the RESPECT code at all times, a wonderful role model
Tidiest Classroom AwardSwallows
Best Class AttendanceGolden Eagles and Skylarks (100%)
House Point Winning TeamDormice

Categories: Awards