Parent Forum

Parent Forums are an opportunity for parents to become more involved in school life. The format of these varies from school to school. At the BAWB Federation, they are organised by a member of our Senior Leadership Team and are chaired by a staff member or a parent. They are an opportunity to share views, discuss issues and to consult parents on school policies and planned changes. 

To improve participation and representation in Parent Forums at our federation, we would like to take a more formal approach to these than has been the case in the past by asking for a parent representative from each class who is able to commit to a half-termly Parent Forum meeting.  

If you would like to put yourself forward as a class representative, please click here to access more information and a form where you can put your name forward. Alternatively, please contact the school office to request more information. 

Below you can find details of the questions during our most recent Parent Forum and my replies.

Thank you to everyone who supports our Parent Forum, we are grateful for your interest in our schools and your willingness to give up your time to help us.

Vicky Collins, Executive Headteacher

The BAWB Federation of Primary Schools

Bainbridge C of E Primary and Nursery School, Askrigg VC Primary School and West Burton C of E Primary School