Bad Weather Procedures

Winter weather

We will always endeavour to keep the school open wherever possible but in the event of very bad weather, the headteacher will make a decision as to whether the school will need to close. This will be based on a number of factors:

  • Whether it is safe for staff to travel to school
  • Whether enough staff can get to school to have a safe pupil-teacher ratio
  • Whether children who travel can get safely to school
  • Whether school transport is running (they make an independent decision about whether it is safe/appropriate for them to travel)

All families will be notified by text and email by 07:30am if the school is to close.

Families are encouraged to assume that we are open unless you are notified otherwise. In all circumstances, parents should make their own decisions about whether or not it is safe to travel to school. Even if we are open, we recognise that some families have longer distances to travel and often along impassable roads. Please make safety your number one priority.