Finishing up the PTFA year – what you need to know! 

Published by Phoebe Martin on

We’ve had a busy year! We’ve put on a Halloween disco, a Hot Choc and Stories night, a Christmas fair, Christmas shops at school, a family quiz and a summer raffle with amazing prizes.

We’ve supported every child in the BAWB federation with mud kitchens at Bainbridge, a reading shed at West Burton, leavers’ hoodies, transport to Marrick Priory, Easter eggs at Easter, books at Christmas, ice creams at Saltburn, ice creams at sports day, ice creams at Christmas (these children like ice cream!), an online panto at Christmas, activities for a London trip, and we’ve set up a second-hand uniform shop – first opportunity to buy is at the leavers’ fair on Thursday 21st! 

Thank you to everyone who has contributed time, ideas and energy to make our year a success. We couldn’t do it without you wonderful people!

So, what’s left before the end of term? 

  • Send your raffle ticket money and stubs, or unsold tickets back to school by Wednesday 20 July please! 
  • Come and see our second-hand uniform stall at the leavers’ fair on Thursday 21 July. It will be donations only – so you can pay as you feel.
  • Put Thursday 22 September in your calendars for the PTFA AGM and first meeting of the year. 
  • Think about whether you’d like to be more involved next school year – see below! 

Can you spare 6 evenings a year to help all BAWB pupils? 

The PTFA meets once every half term (that’s six times a year). At our first meeting in September, we’ll be electing the committee for the coming year. While we’re delighted that we have committee members who wish to stand again, we know we need at least one more person and we’d love to welcome new faces! Could it be you? 

All of our meetings are open to all so if you intend to come along regularly, why not get yourself on the committee? We use a WhatsApp group and only meet outside of the six meetings in an emergency. 

The committee needs four ‘officers’ – these roles can be held as job shares:

  • A chairperson – to manage the meetings and liaise with school. Someone who is happy to talk! 
  • A vice chair – to act in the chair’s absence
  • A secretary – to sort out agendas, minutes and communications. Someone who is comfortable with admin and words.
  • A treasurer – to manage the accounts. Someone who is confident with money. 

And at least one other member – so in total a minimum of 5 people.

All committee members are trustees, named on the Charity Commission records. The committee will be elected at the AGM – on Thursday 22 September 2022. If you would like to put your name forward, please let Beth Daley (as current secretary) know by 8 September (email [email protected] or email school who can pass it on).