Computing is a key subject in our modern world. It has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology and provides pupils with meaningful real-life situations in which to apply problem-solving skills. Teaching computing at primary school also gives us an opportunity to equip our children with the skills they need to negotiate the internet and social media safely and responsibly.
Our computing curriculum covers a range of eight important themes: coding, spreadsheets, the internet, design, music, databases, presentations and networks. These are initially taught using Purple Mash software, although children also have lots of opportunities to try out other software – such as Scratch and Code Studio. As well as providing experience of a range of different software, children are also given opportunities to use a variety of hardware, including Ipads, PC’s and chromebooks.
With support from the ‘Teach Computing’ scheme of work, at BAWB, we intend to:
- show the breadth and depth of the computing curriculum, particularly beyond programming!
- build upon children’s previous computing skills and knowledge.
- ensure children are using technology responsibly and safely.
- promote the fact that we can demonstrate our learning through the creative use of technology.
- ensure children are fluent with a range of tools to best express their understanding, in the hope that by Upper Key Stage 2, they have the independence and confidence to choose the best tool to fulfil the task and challenge set by teachers.
We will:
- provide a well resourced, weekly computing session to all children from Year 1.
- Provide clear unit planning that shows a variety of computing skills being taught throughout the year.
- plan lessons that show clear progression of computing skills and knowledge, as children go through the key stages.
- take the time to model and educate children on how to stay safe online.
- provide opportunities for computing skills to be used in other subjects, to demonstrate children’s learning.
- where appropriate, allow children to independently choose which computing technology method they think will best meet their learning objective.
- Children are excited about exploring new computing programmes and technology.
- Children are confident enough to ask ‘why’ and ‘how’ when involved in computing lessons.
- Children are able to showcase, share, celebrate and publish their work to show their understanding.
Children can discuss, reflect and appreciate the impact computing has on their learning, development and well being. - Children can confidently answer key assessment questions at the end of a unit of work, to demonstrate what they have learnt.
For more information about our Computing curriculum, please contact our Computing Subject Leader:
Mrs Leanne Middleton (based at Bainbridge)