Thia is working on history, looking at events in the Reformation and writing about their significance.
Thia is working on history, looking at events in the Reformation and writing about their significance.
The Skylarks were using different items to demonstrate equivalent fractions.
In English, we have been enjoying reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Yesterday, we were taking it in turns to ‘hotseat’: pretending to me characters in the story and answering questions from the class about our lives.
This week, the children have been enjoying learning about choral music, such as Handel’s Messiah. They have also enjoyed composing some question and answer phrases using percussion instruments.
Our children really look forward to their ‘Time to Shine’ lessons. On Thursday, Callum told us all about one of his favourite toys: a remote control car. He brought it in to show us and was even kind enough to let us all try it out.
Our assemblies have been focussing on courageous advocacy. Here we are thinking about how that links to the story of the Good Samaritan, which is the inspiration for our Christian vision.
Our Year 5 & 6 children have been learning long division. We think it looks quite impressive! Here is some work done by Abigail and Maeve.
Time to Shine is a special time each week for one child in the class to talk in front of the class about their hobby, sports, pets or anything else which interests them. Your child is welcome to bring in photographs, equipment, books and any other material which will make their Read more…
Dear Parent/Carers, Until further notice, due to increasing positive COVID-19 cases, we will not be inviting families to celebration assemblies. There is no celebration assembly this week (07/01/22) due to the shorter week. Any queries please contact us and thank you for your understanding, Admin Team