A big splash… thankfully on the computer!
We were learning about coral reefs and then we found a video about dolphins. We told Mrs Johnston that they can jump really high without making a really big splash.
We were learning about coral reefs and then we found a video about dolphins. We told Mrs Johnston that they can jump really high without making a really big splash.
We are scoring and going to find the winner by counting the totals whoever gets to 100 first is the winner.
The butterflies are starting to emerge from their chrysalises!! We have searched for the flowers which we think will contain nectar for them. Just to be on the safe side, we’ve added some fruit and sugar water too. They certainly won’t go hungry!
Date for your diary: This year the Year 6 will be hosting a Leavers Fair on Thursday 21st of July, it will be held at Askrigg Primary School.