Thank you from the Robins

Published by Phoebe Martin on

The PTFA recently paid for two new mud kitchens for the Robins class. We were delighted to receive a thank you note from them! 

Over the last few months, we’ve also funded a Reading Shed transformation for West Burton, Easter eggs for all the children, transport for the Year 3/4 trip to Marrick Priory, a contribution to the Year 5/6 London trip’s exciting activities, and we’re buying the year 6 their leavers’ hoodies too. 

This wouldn’t be possible without fundraising events, so please support two that are coming up! 

July 8th at The Falls Coffee Shop – family quiz night (6pm start) with quizmaster Mrs Gamble! More details and tickets coming soon! 

Summer raffle – tickets will be on sale next half term, with amazing prizes from local businesses – you really won’t want to miss out!!! 

And finally – please come along to our final meeting of this academic year – on June 23rd at the Falls Coffee Shop at 7:30. 

Categories: PTFA